Seven Questions With... Refik Hadzialic

Seven Questions With... Refik Hadzialic

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December 28th, 2017

Starting 2018 the right way - we are super excited to have this opportunity to introduce Refik, or Refa to you. We had a small chit-chat with him this week and besides laughing while reading through his answers, we once again reminded ourselves why Refa is one of those people who will always find a way to fix your day! ;) Guys, meet Refa! 

1. Share three things about yourself

I have a positive attitude toward most things in life. So you will usually see me smiling, no matter what problem have had hit me. Aside from smiling and laughing, in my free time, I like to travel and visit places I haven’t seen before. My superpower is probably being calm.

2. What is your favorite part about working for Symphony?

I am surrounded by better people than I am. As well as the opportunity to work on some really challenging and interesting tasks.

3. What is your favorite aspect of your job?

Both, learning and doing at the same time. The fun part is that you can always be creative. The problems can be solved using different approaches and you would still arrive at one solution.

4. What are your biggest professional challenges?

Keeping myself up to date with the know-how.

5. If you could have a drink with anyone (fictional, alive, dead, famous, non-famous) who would it be?

It would be a tough choice, I guess. Currently, I am thinking of Richard Feynman, the physicist.

6. What is your hidden talent?

I don’t have any.

7. Recommend us a movie to watch or a book to read.

I believe, “Siddhartha” by Hermann Hesse is a novel worth reading. It describes so nicely the transformation of a human being. Hmm, a movie, Happiness with Philip Seymour Hoffman is a funny dark comedy about life.

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