Meet Adnan Islamovic: Happy Anniversary!

Meet Adnan Islamovic: Happy Anniversary!

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August 1st, 2019

Meet Adnan! He's celebrating his second Symphony anniversary and we decided (together) to sit down and chat a little bit more about Adnan's personal and professional life. Besides being the super QA engineer, Adnan is a super guy who you can always rely on. He is famous for being the nargila guy, he even ran two half-marathons while visiting nargila cafe before the race. Not something that we see like a good thing to do before the race, but he did finish the race and that is important. Continue reading to learn more about Adnan (and his favorite colleague).

Looking back, what is your biggest achievement to date – personal or professional?

Definitely being a part of a company like Symphony :) 

What are your biggest professional challenges?

Being up to date with all of the new technologies that are coming out.

When we see you with your headphones on - what are you listening to?

Mostly some stand up comedians like Chris Rock, Kevin Hart or Noah Trevor.

What advice would you give to recent new Symphony members?

Don’t be afraid to say what you think, here your opinion is important and it counts. P. S. Watch out your weight, our cooks are awesome.

How would you explain Symphony culture to someone who isn’t part of our community?

It is more than just a company or a workplace you have to go to every day, it is hard to explain, at Symphony we don’t have colleagues we have friends. This is the type of company where people are looking forward to Mondays because they know they are going to work.

Who inspires you?

My family. 

If you could switch your job with anyone else within Symphony, whose job would you want?

Nemanja Bozovic definitely.

Contact us if you have any questions about our company or products.

We will try to provide an answer within a few days.