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Temporal is a reliable runtime for polyglot, durable, and fault-tolerant applications. Its workflows, activities, schedules, and other abstractions do the heavy lifting, allowing you to focus on business code.
In today’s data-driven world, the ability to harness and analyze vast amounts of information is not just an advantage but a necessity for businesses across all industries.
In the fast-changing world of software development, the quest for more efficient and manageable architectural patterns never stops. The introduction of Vertical Slice Architecture presents a compelling alternative to traditional architectural patterns such as Onion, Clean, and Hexagonal architectures.
This post will cover the topic of social network analysis and visualization. We will describe specific properties of graphs that represent social networks, and different algorithms used to visualize them.
The trunk-based development (TBD) is a result of seven years of research and data from over 32,000 professionals worldwide, conducted by DORA State of DevOps.
In the second part of the project management pitfall series we continue with some practical examples of how we can manage certain sensitive situations using some of the tried and tested methods.
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